My Favorite Artist!!


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Last Day!

Today is the last day of March..
And tomorrow we will enter the April Fools month...
As you guys know, Islam are not allowed to celebrate that day.. :)
So! have fun and start to changed what you need to change before its too late..
Well, you know why I said this right??
If you know, can you tell me why?
Because I don't know why I'm saying this things.. LOL!

My Besties!!

I wanted to talk about my best friend!!
I think I will never find a friend like them..
They are like 3 in a million.. hehehe!!
And I just want you guys to know that 'I Love You' guys.. :)
Eventhough we were not in the same class, (well, 3 of you did, not me) but I will menyelit in your class..
Some of you may not have the same interest as me, but, we understand each other the best!
We always compete in exam, but if someones can't do well, we help them..
That is the part where I like about you guys the most!
'Don't judge people by its cover!'

'Choral Speaking'

Hey there.. as you guys know, I join the form 3 'Choral Speaking' group to represent the school.. We were the 2nd team to perform out of 25 teams.. and guess what? After performing, we have to wait from 8:30 a.m. until 3:oo p.m. It was freaking boring and I fell asleep 3 times!! LOL!! Fuh!!

Waiting~ waiting~ Finally the results came out.. and our school didn't won.. but, hey! who cares if we won or not.. we already try our best to represent our school. :) That's all!! I hope that I can team up with you guys (3KRK1) again!! we will try next year!! wooot~

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

SJ-M 'Perfection'

I hope that they will perform this at SS3 and what??!! They really did!!! gosh!! I LOVE SJ-M!!!SJ-M FIGHTING!!!


saya ingin menerima kasih dekat 3KRK1 kerana menyelamatkan saya dari cengkaman kelas saya yang boring gile.. hehehe!! mmg ade agenda tersembunyi... tapi, practice 'Choral Speaking' ngan korang mmg best!! hopefully kita menang esok!! Amin~

Monday, March 28, 2011


Alalalala!! Hari ni ade PLBS lisan.. kena baca kat depan semua org... ni yg buat aq x de mood nk gi skola nie! hiopefully cikgu BM x datang!! amin!! mintak2 cikgu ade buat meeting emergency ke kan!! Amin~~

Infinite Jjang!!

I have no reasons to hate the boys!! The synchronized dance was awesome!! And the song without knowingly make me smile!! GO INFINITE!!

See the synchronized dance?? :0 BTD - not 'Taylor Swift - Back To Disember!! Its Infinite - Before The Dawn.. :)

Daniel oppa!!~~ LOL!!

I was laughing like a mad person when I see this!! LOL!! and why are they were dancing wearing those things?? hrmm?? :-/

WTH?? Korean MC face is compared to JB???

I just read the Daily K-Pop news and there I saw a korean MC face and JB face being compared!! WTH??!! But its that I don't like JB, *I don't like him though.* (Sorry JB fans!!) but I prefer korean!! hehehe!! sowwy!! :) P/S: it just my opinion!! no haters here!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


They are so adorable wearing that outfit!!!

Daniel!! :(


Hello there!! Finally, I post something after 1 year didn't even bother to blogging.. LOL!! Look, just went to SS3 2 weeks ago!! Finally can see them with my own eyes!! Leeteu's 'apa khabar' was soo freakin cute and I feel like to jump on to the stage and pinch him.. Heechul oppa's eye are getting worse and I hope it getting better.. Yesung oppa's angelic voice never fails to awe me!! Shindong dance were awesome!! Sungmin 19++ dance... -_- Donghae baby face kyaaa!! Eunhyuk's dance were the 'BOMB'!!! Ryeowook and Kyuhyun sings never fails me~~ :O SJM jjang!! Love them!!