My Favorite Artist!!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


never know that my favorite boy band is going to be a hip hop & rapper boy band.
before I hear Block B's songs, I was a totally rapper hater..
I'm not kidding..
do my face look like I'm kidding??
(Are you kidding me? You can't even see my face!! hahaha!! LOL)
wow! there is soo many 'kidding'..
anyway, back to the topic :)
after I saw Block B making their debut at Music Bank I was just..
hey that's cool..
and I started to find things about them and their songs..
after that, I was an official BBC!!
for you guys who don't know what BBC is..
BBC is Block B fanbase/fanclub name..
also known as 'Block B Club'
enough with the story!
today, BB (not Big Bang okay!) just released their comeback MV!
one word - COOL!!
I was totally raped the replay button.. [please don't tell my mummy :(((]
want to watch it???

P/S: BBC is now trending #BLOCKBCOMEBACK at twitter.. so! BBC join and show our love to the boys! 뿅~

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