My Favorite Artist!!


Friday, September 30, 2011


semalam, me & my besties [alia, miera, chicken (ika) & syira] beraya sakan!!
mula-mula kitorang gi umah alia..
smpai2 je rumah alia, aq tgk aq nye kawan semua menjerit smpai x ingat dunia..
sebabnya adalah B1A4 tgh buat comeback..
mak Alia tgk je..
Masyaallah, memalukan.. hahaha!!
lepas dh makan, tgk jap tgk tv smbil tunggu si tuan puteri [Alia] bersiap.. :p
pastu lepas dah siap, Alia duduk sebelah aq..
keluar je KARA x pasal2 kena halau.. :(((
tipu laa..
pastu kitorang gi umah syahirah..
x pasal2 kena serang ngan adek dia menangis.. :((
pastu kitorang tgk cite 'ATHENA'..
disebabkan kitorang dh tgk, boring laa sket..
pastu kitorang men PS..
men GTA San Andreas, aq bawak kete abes semua orang aq langgar...hahaha!!
[but happy that it makes my friends laugh!!]
yg paling best men game yg kena guna dancing mat [alaa, yg ade arrow tu]
tunggang langgang dibuatnye umah kawan aq tu... hehe!!
then, aq kena balik..
tapi x men pown ping pong.. :((
aq bace blog ika sedih je bace..
diorang men ping-pong!!
nk men gak!!!
x pe, nnti kita gi umah awak lagi ek??
then, that's all that I'm going to write..
if there any interesting happening in my life that I can share..
I will share it non other than my blog!!
paipai!! <3

dbskgirl4ever's Asia fanfic profile


Thursday, September 29, 2011


I'm soo happy that Infinite just made their comeback yesterday!!
super love their new song!
hopefully that Inspirits will wake up and buy their new album so that they can win in all of music station in Korea..
not only at M'Countdown :)
if you guys didn't watch their comeback yet, check it out!!
they never fails me with their synchronized dance!
Infinite fighting!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


maybe when my friends visits my blog they reactions must be like this =,=
because, they know that I'm a hardcore K-pop fans..
relax guys..
I still super love K-pop..
but, this songs really got my attention..
I really like the beat and all..
not the meaning though!!
as you guys know, why I don't really love american songs..
since American songs have some rated words in it..
it was kinda uncomfortable with it.. :)
but korean songs maybe have it but it was so hard to find a song like that..
korean is more to ballad, boy group, girl group & more..
but still I love this song!
for 'those' who don't what song I've put for my blog..
it is Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger
anyway, wait for my blog's update..
maybe I will post something interesting!!
always visit ma blog kay!

Perang Air!!!

hari ni kitorang basah lencun gile2!!
hanna laa ni!!
dh terlebih intelligent pasal 'air pressure' pastu boleh agi dia berexperiment dekat kitorang..
basah lencun laa jugak, tapi best gile!!
jom main agi hari isnin!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

yay... kowt??

alahai, hari ni ade latih tubi untuk pendidikan islam..
ustazah tu melebih laa..
dh elok-elok dia kasi kitorang 2 sub topik dia boleh lagi senang tambah jadi 3 sub topik..
dh laa semalam ade peksa sains!
sains tu kena anta gi PPD tau!!
ni ape, kalau x leh jawab nnti kene rotan??
aduhai, buat tension kepala otak aq je laa!!
anyway, wish me luck guys!!
hopefully that I can easily answer the question and will not get hit with her 'rotan'.. :((
kinda scared actually!! [hehee!]


gah, you guys know that I'm an Inspirit right??
well, actually I'm a hardcore fan of Block B a.k.a BB [not Big Bang]
but, since BB is not active in Korea and busy promoting in Japan..
I'm off to Infinite either than B1A4 [I love them to bits!!]
since Infinite will making their comeback starting this Thursday at M'Countdown,
I wanted to show you guys their mv..
they look soo hot with their heavy and smoky make-up!!
*severe nosebleed*

I'm totally anticipated with their comeback!!
hopefully that they can win 1st place like they did for 'Be Mine'..
인피니트 오빠들 화이팅!!


as you guys know..
I'm enrolling a once a week Chinese Language course..
well, it was hard at first..
but, what surprise me is, when I read the dialogue, I can understand it 100%..
hopefully that I can master Chinese maybe before the big big exam, PMR!!
hopefully!! :p
well, wish me luck though.. :p
사랑해요 여러분들!! [no need to know! :) not a bad thing though!]

dbskgirl4ever's Asia fanfic profile

P/S: have you guys hear to the latest Infinite's song??
better hear it..
it was suuuuuppppper dupppppeeeerrr awesome!!

Please 'FOLLOW!!'

hey there!!
I just wanted to say that my friend just made her blog and she was sooo happy that she have her own blog...
[and I think that I need to prepare myself to hear her bragging about her blog at school]
*wish me luck!*
hehe, just kidding!!
anyway, please support her and follow her blog..
her English maybe not perfect as mine *LOL ^^* but please look forward to her post..
well, she will bragging about her interest and more..
but, I think, her blog suits for those who really love K-pop..
anyway, enough writing.. please follow here blog here!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I Don't Know!

I don't know why..
but I just realized that I just make a big mistake this time!!
I just wanted to be her friend again..
I know that I humiliated her and do things that makes her feel hurt..
I'm sorry that I don't say this earlier..
'I'm sorry'..
that's all I wanted to say..
hope that you can forgive me..
I just regret what I've done to you..
I hope that you can still treat me as your friend..
eventhough you can't accept me as you friend anymore.
just don't hold any resentment towards me (eventhough I know that I deserve to)..
hope that you can forgive me.. :D