My Favorite Artist!!


Friday, October 21, 2011


finally, the dreadful day is here.
it sucks I know.
I hate papers :(
but I hate exam more.
gonna stop updating.
but, can't handle the addicting laptop on my table.
haha, I did.
so, gonna see you next couple weeks!
bye there!!

Friday, September 30, 2011


semalam, me & my besties [alia, miera, chicken (ika) & syira] beraya sakan!!
mula-mula kitorang gi umah alia..
smpai2 je rumah alia, aq tgk aq nye kawan semua menjerit smpai x ingat dunia..
sebabnya adalah B1A4 tgh buat comeback..
mak Alia tgk je..
Masyaallah, memalukan.. hahaha!!
lepas dh makan, tgk jap tgk tv smbil tunggu si tuan puteri [Alia] bersiap.. :p
pastu lepas dah siap, Alia duduk sebelah aq..
keluar je KARA x pasal2 kena halau.. :(((
tipu laa..
pastu kitorang gi umah syahirah..
x pasal2 kena serang ngan adek dia menangis.. :((
pastu kitorang tgk cite 'ATHENA'..
disebabkan kitorang dh tgk, boring laa sket..
pastu kitorang men PS..
men GTA San Andreas, aq bawak kete abes semua orang aq langgar...hahaha!!
[but happy that it makes my friends laugh!!]
yg paling best men game yg kena guna dancing mat [alaa, yg ade arrow tu]
tunggang langgang dibuatnye umah kawan aq tu... hehe!!
then, aq kena balik..
tapi x men pown ping pong.. :((
aq bace blog ika sedih je bace..
diorang men ping-pong!!
nk men gak!!!
x pe, nnti kita gi umah awak lagi ek??
then, that's all that I'm going to write..
if there any interesting happening in my life that I can share..
I will share it non other than my blog!!
paipai!! <3

dbskgirl4ever's Asia fanfic profile


Thursday, September 29, 2011


I'm soo happy that Infinite just made their comeback yesterday!!
super love their new song!
hopefully that Inspirits will wake up and buy their new album so that they can win in all of music station in Korea..
not only at M'Countdown :)
if you guys didn't watch their comeback yet, check it out!!
they never fails me with their synchronized dance!
Infinite fighting!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


maybe when my friends visits my blog they reactions must be like this =,=
because, they know that I'm a hardcore K-pop fans..
relax guys..
I still super love K-pop..
but, this songs really got my attention..
I really like the beat and all..
not the meaning though!!
as you guys know, why I don't really love american songs..
since American songs have some rated words in it..
it was kinda uncomfortable with it.. :)
but korean songs maybe have it but it was so hard to find a song like that..
korean is more to ballad, boy group, girl group & more..
but still I love this song!
for 'those' who don't what song I've put for my blog..
it is Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger
anyway, wait for my blog's update..
maybe I will post something interesting!!
always visit ma blog kay!

Perang Air!!!

hari ni kitorang basah lencun gile2!!
hanna laa ni!!
dh terlebih intelligent pasal 'air pressure' pastu boleh agi dia berexperiment dekat kitorang..
basah lencun laa jugak, tapi best gile!!
jom main agi hari isnin!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

yay... kowt??

alahai, hari ni ade latih tubi untuk pendidikan islam..
ustazah tu melebih laa..
dh elok-elok dia kasi kitorang 2 sub topik dia boleh lagi senang tambah jadi 3 sub topik..
dh laa semalam ade peksa sains!
sains tu kena anta gi PPD tau!!
ni ape, kalau x leh jawab nnti kene rotan??
aduhai, buat tension kepala otak aq je laa!!
anyway, wish me luck guys!!
hopefully that I can easily answer the question and will not get hit with her 'rotan'.. :((
kinda scared actually!! [hehee!]


gah, you guys know that I'm an Inspirit right??
well, actually I'm a hardcore fan of Block B a.k.a BB [not Big Bang]
but, since BB is not active in Korea and busy promoting in Japan..
I'm off to Infinite either than B1A4 [I love them to bits!!]
since Infinite will making their comeback starting this Thursday at M'Countdown,
I wanted to show you guys their mv..
they look soo hot with their heavy and smoky make-up!!
*severe nosebleed*

I'm totally anticipated with their comeback!!
hopefully that they can win 1st place like they did for 'Be Mine'..
인피니트 오빠들 화이팅!!


as you guys know..
I'm enrolling a once a week Chinese Language course..
well, it was hard at first..
but, what surprise me is, when I read the dialogue, I can understand it 100%..
hopefully that I can master Chinese maybe before the big big exam, PMR!!
hopefully!! :p
well, wish me luck though.. :p
사랑해요 여러분들!! [no need to know! :) not a bad thing though!]

dbskgirl4ever's Asia fanfic profile

P/S: have you guys hear to the latest Infinite's song??
better hear it..
it was suuuuuppppper dupppppeeeerrr awesome!!

Please 'FOLLOW!!'

hey there!!
I just wanted to say that my friend just made her blog and she was sooo happy that she have her own blog...
[and I think that I need to prepare myself to hear her bragging about her blog at school]
*wish me luck!*
hehe, just kidding!!
anyway, please support her and follow her blog..
her English maybe not perfect as mine *LOL ^^* but please look forward to her post..
well, she will bragging about her interest and more..
but, I think, her blog suits for those who really love K-pop..
anyway, enough writing.. please follow here blog here!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I Don't Know!

I don't know why..
but I just realized that I just make a big mistake this time!!
I just wanted to be her friend again..
I know that I humiliated her and do things that makes her feel hurt..
I'm sorry that I don't say this earlier..
'I'm sorry'..
that's all I wanted to say..
hope that you can forgive me..
I just regret what I've done to you..
I hope that you can still treat me as your friend..
eventhough you can't accept me as you friend anymore.
just don't hold any resentment towards me (eventhough I know that I deserve to)..
hope that you can forgive me.. :D

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sooo cute~~!!!

I never saw Bang Yong Guk's face clearly..
but now, I've seen it and he is super cute!!!!

he is the one who wears red cap..
cute isn't it?? :p

Monday, July 25, 2011

AS Red 짱!!

AS Red has make their comeback at SBS Inkigayo last Sunday..
I love their stage clothes..
it looks at them..
no wonder why, I envy their body soo much!
especially Gahee unnie!
I want to have abs too!!

After School Red or Blue???

Hey guys!!
I already know about AS sub unit long long time ago..
but, the two sub units already released their mv..
when AS Blue released their mv..
I was like okay...
I was kinda disappointed with their concept..
but, when AS Red mv came out..
I was like 'this is my style of music..'
but, I still love AS no matter what!!
AS fighting!!
for those who didn't watch their mv yet..
catch it below!!

AS Blue - Wonder Boy

AS Red - In The Night Sky

Which one do you prefer??

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I have a severe nosebleed~~

I have a severe nosebleed this morning.. :(
you want to know because of what??

because of them!!
I just watch their comeback stage..
I have to admit that L look way too hot!!!
Dongwoo is getting hotter than ever!!
watch their comeback stage!!



I'm having a crush right now..
None other than this guy.. :))

I love him to death!!
I never know that he will be my favourite actor..
before I really like Lee Min Ho & Seo Do Young..
but, now I love LEE JONG SUK!!!!!!!! :p
sorry, gonna continue spazzing after this.. :D

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I'm am super duper hyper right now!!!!
GOD!! I am soo happy!!
I miss those boys!!
Eventhough I am more to BB I still love them!! (if you see BB in my blog, its not 'Big Bang' okay!! Its always about BLOCK B!!!) UNDERSTAND!!
I am very pleased with their new song..
for those who did not watch the MV..
Catch it out below!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I can see he smile again!!

Daesungie oppa fighting!!

Monday, July 18, 2011


I was very happy when I hear that Teen Top is going to make their comeback at Music Back at Friday next a.k.a my birthday!! :))
but, when I saw their comeback pictures..
I was very speechless..
so when I saw this ...

are they going to perform with only boxers on??
that is a no no!!
I hope they released more necessary pictures.. :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I wonder??~~

So, since I change my blog's songs..
many of you wonder what song is it??
maybe not, maybe yes..
maybe not all, maybe some..
should I tell??
well, since I'm a good girl..
I'll tell..
the song is Miss A - Good Bye Baby
I fall in love with this song since their teaser have been released.. :)
so enjoy the song!

I'm back!!

Guys I'm back.!!
sorry for the long hiatus.. :)
my friends already mad at saying 'kenapa ko tak update blog ko!!??'
(siapa yang makan cili terasa pedas.. :p)
I never know how I miss updating my blog..
you know what??!!
my laptop has been taken away... 'AGAIN!!'??
ya Allah, what I've done to get this horrible punishment?? :((
guys, I'm not kidding..
I'm so sad.. :((
anyway, stay tuned for my next maybe hilarious maybe boring update.. :p

Monday, June 27, 2011


when I go to allkpop, I've been shocked with what I was looking..
first, I know about SHINee' Jonghyun & Shin Sekyung was dating..
and now what??
Beast's Junhyung & KARA Hara is dating!!

I was totally shocked..
and I was totally lying that I am not upset with this news..
but, please understand, they have their own lives too..
please support this couple! :))

Block B ZICO..

I never knew that this person...

Could be this cute..

Love him soo much..
but, what to do?
he already been taken by my friend.. :))
but, who don't want a boyfriend looks like this??
I bet Junhyung, mangkuk iron, shy boy, even Pikachu lost!! :p

P/S: LOL at Kyung on the first picture..

So sad!!

I was soo sad of someone today!!
extremely sad!! :((
I thought I was your *******.. :(
why would you ignore me??
dbskgirl4ever's Asia fanfic profile

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hey yall!!

to all of my readers!!
thanks for reading!~ <3
for your information, I've just install YM..
(I know that I dah terlambat zaman.. ᄒᄒᄒ)
so, please add me as one of your contacts!
I need more friends to chat with.. :)
my email is
please add me to your contacts..
Love you guys!! :p
PICTURE OF THE DAY a.k.a eye candy!!
dbskgirl4ever's Asia fanfic profile

Isn't he hot??
I have a severe nosebleeding right now.. :p
P/S: a little bit of ZICO there.. hehe

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


never know that my favorite boy band is going to be a hip hop & rapper boy band.
before I hear Block B's songs, I was a totally rapper hater..
I'm not kidding..
do my face look like I'm kidding??
(Are you kidding me? You can't even see my face!! hahaha!! LOL)
wow! there is soo many 'kidding'..
anyway, back to the topic :)
after I saw Block B making their debut at Music Bank I was just..
hey that's cool..
and I started to find things about them and their songs..
after that, I was an official BBC!!
for you guys who don't know what BBC is..
BBC is Block B fanbase/fanclub name..
also known as 'Block B Club'
enough with the story!
today, BB (not Big Bang okay!) just released their comeback MV!
one word - COOL!!
I was totally raped the replay button.. [please don't tell my mummy :(((]
want to watch it???

P/S: BBC is now trending #BLOCKBCOMEBACK at twitter.. so! BBC join and show our love to the boys! 뿅~

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

2PM Rocks!!

I'm sorry for not being able to update my blog for a long time!!
you know why??
because I have 'nothing' to update..
but now!!
I want to show you guys one of my favorite boy band..
not the 'Big Time Rush' who I don't want to know about..
as you guys (my besties) know, my favorite member is Chansung..
but I gotta admit, LEE JUNHO IS FREAKIN COOL!!!
he looks so hot when he wear the shades!!
for those who didn't watch the mv 2PM 'Hands Up'..
their latest song..
It was freakin addicting!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

School is back!!

we are going back to reality that I don't even wanted to..
tomorrow is school day!!
to be exact it is today..
gotta go and sleep tight.. :((


Isn't he just adorable?

dbskgirl4ever's Asia fanfic profile

For you guys who didn't know who is this cutie..
It si none other than B1A4 maknae Gongchan!! :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

3 days!!

there is only 3 days left before school!!
I never wanted to think about it!!
I don't want to go to school!!
I want to rewind 2 weeks before when we just started our holiday!!
I bet all of you wanted to rewind the time right!
I wish that the holidays is 3 week- screw that!
I want everyday is holiday.. (then we will be stupid right!)
hope that you guys use this 3 days wisely!!
good luck for school!! [I hate that word after 'homework'! :(]

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Homework~~ =_=

I mean, guys!!
Its a freakin school holiday!!
why would there such a thing been given by a man/woman (teachers) to an innocent person (students) called a damn 'HOMEWORK'!!
as much as I was boring staying at my house, the 'homework' is really bothering..
after a two freakin weeks of exam, they give us a loaded of 'HOMEWORK!! [gosh I hate that word.. :(]
anyway, hope you guys have a happy not stressing life.. :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Korea Town, 짱!

Yesterday, I went to Korea Town in Ampang with my besties!! (love you guys!)
at first I thought ,'Is it necessary to go there. I bet it will be boring.'
I was TOTALLY wrong!
Gosh, I wish I've been there earlier.
Once, my mom said that 'Orang Korea ni sombong. Masuk surat khabar yg diorang buat hal.'
I was like 'REALLY!'
But, what I see is the people there is very polite!!
even polite than Malaysian.. (to Malaysian) heung!
My besties and I made a promise we will go there again when Syamim come back to KL..
1. because I miss Korea.
2. I miss the people there.
3. There are plenty of HOT GUYS!!!
[to my besties: Miss you guys already!! waaa!!~~]

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

what a bad news..~~

I've just heard that Daesung just got into an accident..
it just bad enough to hear that he's got into an accident..
but, its a relieved that he doesn't injured..
but he's been accused that he hit and run..
many antis attacked him..
poor Daesung oppa..

Monday, May 30, 2011


I don't like to school but I miss it..
I love holiday but it is boring..
I don't know what to do..
just blogging and reading fanfics..
one word

Thursday, May 26, 2011

SHINee is back!!~~

SHINee released their 'Replay' Japanese Version MV!!
It's their Japanese debut MV!!~~
can't stop loving them.. :)

Anyway, Taemin looks different here..
and as usual Jonghyun oppa!!!!
so handsome~

Sunday, May 22, 2011

SM Family is awesome!!

I just watch SBS latest variety show which the artist have to practice ice skating for two months and perform in front if the 'ice skating queen', Kim Yuna..
TVXQ U-Know Yunho and F(x) Krystal is one of the artist..
I just watch them perform and still can't believe that they only practice for only 2 months with promotions and overseas activity..
For those who didn't watch it yet check it out below..

F(x) - Krystal

TVXQ - U-Know Yunho

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Life is just boring..
the exam just started and life is getting boring..
with laptop has been taken..
can't life just getting better??

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Teacher's Day..

Happy Teachers Day to all the teachers at SMKTK..
thanks for teaching us..
But, for sure...
I hope that you guys don't talk to much..
Because, the 6 of us will never listen to it..
Because we were listening to song and gossiping about K-Pop..
anyway, happy teachers day!!

dbskgirl4ever's Asia fanfic profile

picture of the day!!
isn't he cute??

Friday, May 13, 2011

At least..

I love my mom sooo much!!
she gave me my laptop for one day and she will bring me to Malacca tomorrow..
to be exact, its today..
We will go watch movie and plays archery..
the reasons is...
my mom said, 'untuk release kan tension..'
I was so happy~!
yeah, I suffer so much without my 'bob' (laptop's name)..
waaa!! I miss you bob!!
I heard that Beast will make their comeback!!
OMG! their song will released at 17 of May!!!
at 00:00!
I bet B2UTY can't wait!!
Okay, that's all from me!!
긋밤 (Geut Bam.. It's actually a direct translation of 'good night' from Korean to English.. hehehe!)
hope you have a good life!!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Block B..

I got to admit that I was stuck to B1A4 and Block B..
but, I will introduced you to Block B first.. :)

This is ZICO..
The leader.. -19
I've got to admit that he looks really similar to Junhyung from BEAST..

JaeHyo.. - 21
Well, he like a mix of Kyuhyun and ZhouMi.. :p

he is U-Kwon.. - 19
the king of Eye Smile..

he is Taeil... 21
the shortest with 167 cm..
that is incredibly short.. ~~

B-bomb.. - 21


P.O the maknae.. 18
his voice is really similar to Big Bang's TOP voice..
it's actually scary..

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Can't Update.. and Block B - JaeHyo!!

My mom has take away my laptop!!
my mom will give it back to me after the exam ends..
what a freakin 4 weeks????
I'm dying!!
I know, I'm using the family computer..
but I need a privacy to update about me.. ~~
So, bye!!
After 4 weeks, please come back and read my update!!
Isn't he cute and hot at the same time??

And this is mine!!!
FYI, this boy supposed to be in BEAST but he left..
I like him in Block B though.. :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Another Victim!

Last time I post Kim Shinyoung and Simon D hilarious pic..
today, guess what??
we have another victim~~
None other thank BEAST member..
presenting you...
Originally he is like this..


Anyway, its just for fun..
maybe it can brighten up B2TY's day??

LOL!! Chansunggie!!

I was watching Heroes (korean variety show, not the american one)..
the girls and 2PM as their guest go to Everland..
they went on to the 'Express' Roller Coaster..
'Express' has the steepest roller coaster in the world..
I don't know how he ca smile while I was on the verge of crying when I ride it.. :p
one of the snapshot..

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Goodbye Stage.. Goodbye 6~~ Hello 5..

Yeah, I watch Inkigayo..
And the MC's said that Dalmatian will perform their goodbye stage..
what makes me really sad is..
After the goodbye stage, Dari oppa will be enlisting the army..
I will definitely miss him!!
말도 안돼!! (I can't believe it!!)
I was on the verge of bawling right now!
This is their Goodbye stage..
It is the remix version of 'The Man Opposed..'

Originally, the song is like this...

Anyway, I like their shirt!!
It looks way cool..

Another Infinite???

I just watch F(x) - Gangsta Boy dance practice..
And what shocked me is their dance is so synchronized..
And a lot of people called the (including me) the next Infinite..
Why we call them the next Infinite because..
Infinite is popular of their beastly synchronized dance..
F(x) is no exception..
they dance are synchronized too!!
watch their dance practice below..

How is it??
I want to learn the dance.. :(

F(x) being PLAGIARIZED??!!

I was so shocked when I saw this..
The song is really similar!!
Try to hear it..
The fake one..

The Original..

What do you think??
Similar isn't it??
Well, for me..
I prefer F(x)'s version.. :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

어이없음.. (Speechless)

Today is sucks!
I hate today!!
I hate 20th April!!
I hate it with all my life!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Well, actually I'm not into CNBLUE..
but when I watch their MV at JK Hits at MTV..
Damn! They are hot!
especially Jonghyun oppa!!!!
I never know that Yonghwa can be that bad!
he looks so handsome when he wears the jacket together with the hoodie..
Catch their music video here!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

X-5 .. Urmm not bad~

just last week this new boy band call X-5 make their debut stage..
at first I was like, 'okay, do what you want and I don't want to know..'
But they caught my mind with their height..
their maknae height is 189 cm!!!
god, that is very tall!!
and their average height is 186 cm..
that is soo beast!!
and they said that they wanted to be like TVXQ to have the biggest fanbase in the world..
and again I was like 'Keep on the dream those sweet dreams of you guys..'
[I know its mean, but that what I think at first.. :)]
But when I look at their debut stage, with their handsome looking face (well not handsome as TVXQ..) and their voices, they can reached what TVXQ has done..
For you guys didn't watch their debut stage check it out below...
I like the first song and the chorus 'only' on the second song..
Oh right!! one of the member looks really similar to the host 'Raja Lawak', what is his name?
I think its like Zizan??
Something like that.. try to spot it!! :))

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dalmatian 'Swagger' Rapper, Lee Dari

I was really sad when I read this article.
It's about my favorite boy group 'Dalmatian'..
The Dalmatian Rapper, Lee Dari will be enlisting in army at 25th April..
It just 8 months after their debut and he have to enlisting in army..
Dalmates (me) sure will be soo sad..
but, Dalmates will always love him..
Lee Dari oppa fighting!!

Source/Credit : Daily K-pop News

Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Hobbies!

If I have free time I will definitely read a fanfic..
I have a favorite author!!
She is dbskgirl4ever..
She wrote my favorite idol fanfics..
YES!! TVXQ, Infinite, Teen Top & Dalmatian..
SHINee too..
You girls should read it!!
Have fun!!
(Read it!!)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Miss Me??~~

I was just kidding..
Yeah, its been three days without updating my blog..
don't have any specific reason..
just, I don't have anything to update about..
If I update about me..
you guys will be like 'Yeah, who cares?'..
that's why I didn't update.. :)
Anyway, today my F(x) unnies just make their 1st full album 'Pinocchio's comeback..
As usual, they live performance never fails 'Affxttion' (F(x) fanclub)..
For who didn't watch it..
Catch it below!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

OMG!! Kim Shin Young unnie!!

I was very shocked when I saw this!!
I was watching '백점만점' (Oh My School)..
and they have to sing the song in Korean..
And if they wrong the wind from the mic will blow to them..
but, Kim Shin Young unnie unable to close her mouth..
So, the wing go into her mouth..
and it will be like this..

Originally she was like this..

After that~


Another victim.. teehee~~

Korean variety show always fun because they didn't care much about their image..
That's why I love K artist!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

F(x) - Pinocchio Music Video

F(x)'s comeback MV have been released!!! kyaa!!
I was so excited!!
For those who didn't watch the Music Video yet,
watch it below..

Sunday, April 17, 2011

F(x) - Pinocchio

Finally, F(x) title track audio 'Pinocchio' already been released!!
Well, its not bad..
But, after hearing a few times I've been addicted to the song!
Can wait for their comeback this Friday!!
If you guys didn't hear it check it out below!

How was it??
Well, for me it was 'okay'.

Credit/Source: AsianDream2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

My Favourite Korean Variety Show Ever!!

Hey, i just wanted to tell you guys that I'm a big fan of korean artist..
And I follow closely about k-pop artists news..
I even know artist who didn't even make their debut stage..
Well, that is not the topic..
I just wanted to tell you guys my favourite korean variety show called 'Running Man'..
Well, the name looks very stupid..
And it goes well with the concept cause they are stupid.. LOL!!
It already broadcast 38 episode..
And you can watch it at iSubs..
They already finished subs until ep 32..
But we can say that they subbing team is really fast..
If you guys have astro b-yond you can watch it there..
channel 393 at Friday at 6:30 p.m
repeat at the same day at 1:00 a.m.
Watch it!!

F(x) is back!! Amber is back too!!

I just watch the girls teaser yesterday!!
SMent never fails their artist fans..
Their comeback title call 'Pinocchio (Danger)'
Yeah, at first when I heard their title song I was like 'Are you kidding me??'
But when I see the teaser..
Whoa! It way to awesome!!
Why don't you guys see it for yourself??

How was it??
Excited for their comeback??

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Friend Is Crazy.. Actually..

Hello there!!
Hey, I just wanted to said that my friend is actually terlepas dari Tanjung Rambutan..
when Sabrina was cleaning the classroom..
Me, hanna, rasyiqah, alia & syahirah was 'lepak'-ing at the back of the classroom and we (except for hanna) started to sing like a 미친 사람 (crazy people)..
and of course we started to dancing too.
And me, alia, hanna & rasyiqah saw a 'mamat' doing something indecent..
It was funny even to think about it..
I was like 'Alia, ape mamat tu tengah buat??'
Then suddenly alia burst into laughter..
And I was just started to laugh along..
at that time I was 'blur' for a while..
Anyway, the point is my friend are rocks!!
Love you guys!!